Ebola is just one instance of the many emerging and re-emerging diseases that continue to affect a lot of nations in Africa, predominantly West Africa. The book put forward that the exceptional skyrocketed intensity of diseases and loss of lives in the 2014-2015 West African Ebola outbreak, coupled with the overall disaster caused by the epidemic including other up-coming infections in the communities of Sierra Leone, is in accordance with the dilapidated condition of the health segment in the country preceding the outbreak. Normally, the healthcare systems of a good number of low-income countries are unsatisfactorily equipped to handle such vast and unanticipated epidemics. In this present book, I endeavored to investigate the appearance and dissemination of the West African Ebola epidemic, assessing the circumstances in, Sierra Leone before the 2014-2015 epidemics. I also made bare some of the added societal burdens that the outbreak has placed on Sierra Leone.