The music of Marin Marais, François Couperin, and Antoine Forqueray is compared to French Baroque poetry, exploring whether there are overlapping principles in the form and performance of these two arts. Rhythm, rhyme, the difference between poetry and prose, accentuation, and the concept of imitation are examined to understand how French Baroque music for viola da gamba incorporates contemporary literary practices.
The music of Marin Marais, François Couperin, and Antoine Forqueray is compared to French Baroque poetry, exploring whether there are overlapping principles in the form and performance of these two arts. Rhythm, rhyme, the difference between poetry and prose, accentuation, and the concept of imitation are examined to understand how French Baroque music for viola da gamba incorporates contemporary literary practices.
The music of Marin Marais, François Couperin, and Antoine Forqueray is compared to French Baroque poetry, exploring whether there are overlapping principles in the form and performance of these two arts. Rhythm, rhyme, the difference between poetry and prose, accentuation, and the concept of imitation are examined to understand how French Baroque music for viola da gamba incorporates contemporary literary practices.