Sam, an unworldly boy, unexpectedly finds himself on an adventure rollercoaster when he meets a mysterious woman. With this bodyguard armed to the teeth as his guide, he explores an enchanted magical forest full of mythical creatures and hidden villages. Meanwhile, Loris, the crown prince of an Empire, faces imminent conflict with neighbouring countries. The mysterious king of the United Islands is playing a dark game and enlists the help of the deranged water witch. Together they try to get Prince Owen, the crown prince's nephew, on their side. But the emperor has other plans. He marries Loris off to the crown princess of a hostile neighbouring country, which curses magic. Loris realises he is one of the last practitioners of magic and faces a heartbreaking choice: protect his magical legacy or save the kingdom. Owen sides with the darkness and goes to war with the desiccating water witch as an unreliable confederate. As the magical pond dries up and the source of all magic is endangered, the remaining mages must join forces to save a world on the verge of falling apart.
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