Organized retailing in India, is witnessing a metamorphosis, with Indian Retail sector being ranked amongst one of the most attractive retail destination amongst developing countries in the world map. The present study investigated the impact of shoppers attributes (gender, age, motives) mall attributes (satisfaction towards mall attributes) on shopping behaviour (time spent, amount spent and frequency of visit) and mall patronage behaviour (intension to revisit, buy from the mall in near future and recommend the mall to family and friends) in shopping mall. An important contribution of this study is the segmentation of the mall shoppers based on the shopping motives of the shoppers. The four segments were created in this study- Serious shoppers, entertainer, Economic and functional shoppers. This study provides useful insights into mall shopping and mall patronage behaviour of Indian consumers. Mall managers and retailers in India will benefit from knowledge of Indian consumers'segments. Theoretical contributions include an understanding of the multidimensionality of the shoppers' motivation to visit a shopping mall.