This is a book about how television series reverberate in the viewer who watches them, how they interfere - if they do - in their sensory and perceptive capacity, what subjective resonances are provoked, in short, what production of meaning takes place in the viewer's mental process, which can lead them to redefine opinions, behaviours and postures. From a metaphorical perspective, as explained by the New Theory of Communication, the research focuses more specifically on the interfaces that permeate the relationship between the identity of what we call the 'I-spectator', in its relationship with otherness (of others or other objects), at the moment of experiencing what is called a Communicational Event within an audiovisual work. The results obtained from this investigation are collated with propositions from the theoretical field, particularly those that reflect on the sensible as a starting point for observing what crosses the viewer's perception in their relationship with TV series.