The Fc receptor gene of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata, Invertebrates) present at least 33 % identities with 7 Fc receptor Mammal genes by using the following method of Compositional matrix adjust. The e-values are highly significative. In the present book, Asterias rubens Fc DNA Sequence was analysed from its transcriptome in bioinformatics; Identities occurred with other sea stars such as Patiria miniata and specially with mammals proteins.Identities with Fc receptor mammal IGE was found.The Fc receptor gene of Asterias rubens (Echinodermata, Invertebrates) presents at least 29 % identities with Lithostathine human gene by using the following method of Compositional matrix adjust.It shows 28 % identities with Pancreatic Stone Protein-gene. No fundamental differences were made between Lithostathine and Pancreatic Stone Protein in terms of Physiology. The e-values are highly significative between the sea star gene and human ones.