Ken Booth (ed.)The Kosovo Tragedy
The Human Rights Dimensions
Herausgeber: Booth, Ken
Perspectives - ethnic cleansing, Carrie Booth Walling
genocide, Daniela Kroslak, Tim Dunne
mass rape in war, Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Penny Stanley
prologue -implementation lessons from Bosnia, Marianne Hanson
Osce verification experiences in Kosovo, William Walker
human rights abuses in Kosovo, Alex Bellamy
war - NATO policy - issues of legality and legitimacy, Nicholas J. Wheeler
the rights of refugees and the responsibilities of others, Jim Whitman
international humanitarian war and the Kosovo operations, Hilaire McCoubrey
war crimes, Marc Weller
aftermath - the human rights dimensions of the Kosovo Accords, Eric Herring
can human rights be secured? the problems of post-conflict implementation, Ian Mitchell
human rights from the bottom up, Jasmina Husanovic
forum -is humanitarian war a contradiction in terms? Tarak Barkaun et al.