"By mere inches do the gods shift, ere so slightly, the flight of a single solitary arrow, and so is altered the course of human history." With a single puff of air, that one arrow misses its intended mark and the human history of North America changes. Descendents of Celtic and Viking immigrants now settle the northern continent, naming it Eirgalon - the Land Beyond the Sunset. Into this timeline, a young man by the unlikely name of "Skoth" comes of age as he follows his quest to find the key to preserving this timeline of his humanity. And when he finds it - is it the right key? Delightful characters combined with mystic elements of lore and legend are interwoven into this fast paced and engaging narrative, delighting and satisfying the reader. In our history, the Celtic and Nordic excursions westward across the Atlantic ended before the time of Columbus, but this fantasy tale makes one wonder: What if ....?
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