Title: [The Last Betrayal] Genre: Thriller Dystopian Suspense Action In a world on the brink of collapse, Lila and her ragtag team of rebels are fighting not just for survival, but for the chance to rebuild what was lost. When an emergency system designed to control society backfires, it sets off a chain reaction that brings down a powerful and oppressive regime. But in the wake of this destruction, new dangers emerge-more ruthless, more dangerous than anything they faced before. As Lila races against time to protect those she loves and stop the chaos from spiralling out of control, she discovers that the fight for freedom is never straightforward. Betrayal lurks around every corner, and the price for revolution may be higher than anyone anticipated. With enemies on their tail and the city crumbling around them, Lila must make choices that will shape not only her future but the future of everyone who survived. In this gripping, fast-paced thriller, action, suspense, and emotional depth collide as Lila and her team face impossible odds. With thrilling plot twists, high-stakes action sequences, and an undercurrent of romance, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. Will they manage to escape the shadows of the past, or will their quest for freedom destroy them all?
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