Digitization, deregulation, globalization, new competitors, Net-based business and liquidintellectual capital are rewriting the rules of business. In times of rapid change, experience may be your worst enemy! Almost every rule we know about business has changed. Change, creativity and ingenuity are the drivers of new growth. Organizations thrive by creating new value for customers.Over 80 percent of the technology we will use in 20 years hasn't been invented yet! What will prepare you for the future? Learn how to learn. Become self-corrective and self-reflective. Increase your creativity and work better as a team member."The Learning Paradox" - Jetzt erscheint der Bestseller in der 2. Auflage! Dieser praktische Ratgeber beschreibt in allen Einzelheiten, was nötig ist, um ein wandlungs- und anpassungsfähiges modernes Unternehmen aufzubauen. Mit einer Fülle praktischer Ratschläge von Unternehmen, die Flexibilität und Stabilität zu ihrem Unternehmensgrundsatz erklärt haben. In "The Learning Paradox" geben sie ihre Erfahrungen weiter und erklären, wie man sich am besten an das chaotische neue Geschäftsumfeld anpasst, d.h. wie man eine "lernende Organisation" aufbaut, Wachstumssysteme und -strukturen entwickelt, den Shareholder Value, die Mitarbeitersicherheit und Kundentreue maximiert, die besten Mitarbeiter einstellt und an sich bindet. Darüber hinaus werden auch kritische Managementfragen erörtert, z.B. wie man Gewinnspannen über dem Branchendurchschnitt hält, wie man auch im Zuge einer Restrukturierung eine positive Zukunft zeichnet und wie man trotz größtmöglicher Freiheit für die Mitarbeiter , dennoch die Kontrolle behält. Autor Jim Harris ist Chef der Unternehmensberatung Strategic Advantage und ein führender Experte auf dem Gebiet der strategischen Planung und Führungsentwicklung. Zu seinem Kundenstamm gehören Gesundheitsunternehmen, Regierungsbehörden und so renommierte Unternehmen wie General Motors, Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche und Sybase.
"Harris is one of the best speakers and authors I've ever been introduced to. His style is informative, topical and easy to understand. The paradigms presented have real-world application to a broad range of organizations." (Bill Foster, Managing Director, Publications, Richard Chang Associates Inc., California) "A great book for enlightened leaders to give to all their staff." (Susan Jurow, Executive Director, College University Personnel Association,Washington, DC) "This is a book to make managers think about how they view the world, their organisation and their role in it. It's readable, it's entertaining, it's challenging and it's worth reading. Recommended." (Progress, June 2002) "The Learning Paradox allows us to internalize points and understand completely through meaningful, real-world anecdotes."(Nick Truyens, GM, LEGO) "The only book you really need to get a synopsis of current and sound business principles." (Bruce Jones, Vice President, Royal Bank) "Every day the future keeps coming at us whether we like it or not. The Learning Paradox provides individuals and organizations with the keys to unlock the right attitude and the mechanism for developing the necessary skills to go out and meet the future with confidence." (Kenneth Clarke, Chairman, Royal LePage) "To gain or regain our employees' loyalty we must grow their independence! This win-win corporate paradox is difficult for leaders to embrace, but embrace it we must. Read the book." (John Kempster, former President, Hallmark Cards) "Organizations that fail to make the transition to the new IT paradigm will cease to exist. This book gets your attention . . . and effectively highlights areas where your learning energy needs to be focused so that you don't become a victim of the new learning-based digital economy. The Learning Paradox and the workshop questions will really help you get on top of the key issues affecting your business and professional growth."(David Cox, Chief Strategy Officer, Global Information Technology Operations, Bank of Montreal) "The Learning Paradox is 'right on' with its diagnosis and strategy for coping with the unprecedented demands of extraordinary change. It's rare to find such leading-edge insights and wisdom expressed so clearly, making it worthwhile and delightful to read." (Eli Bay, President, Relaxation Response Institute) "The Learning Paradox shifted our strategic thinking." (Richard Jensen, General Manager, Manufacturing, CXY Chemicals) "Innovating and creating wealth in the 21st century will require new ways of learning and leading. The Learning Paradox takes the fear out of change. It's an inspirational guide that supplies the tools we need for exploring our full potential as individuals and members of organizations." (Rick Spence, Editor, Profit magazine) "The Learning Paradox forces you to think. Every leader and aspiring executive should read it." (Rick Broadhead, Co-author, Canadian Internet Handbook) "The business environment has changed dramatically, leaving instability and confusion in its wake. The Learning Paradox clearly and concisely explains what issues need to be addressed to enable companies to survive and compete." (Jim Poirier, Executive Vice President, Credit Union Central of Canada, 1996) "A manual for today's business leaders - a template for future strategy and decisions. Continual learning should be the basis for every leader's agenda." (Bill Williams, CEO, TEC (an international organization for CEOs) "In an era of rapid change and uncertainty, job security has quickly become a thing of the past. The Learning Paradox is a must-read."(Arthur R. Soler, President, Cadbury Chocolate Canada) "The Learning Paradox provided insight and focused on the future by teaching us that we are ultimately responsible for managing our careers." (Mark Sheinfeld, Senior Vice President, SHL Systemhouse (a MCI Company)