In the heart of the ancient world lies Galdra, a land of towering mountains, enchanted forests, and secrets buried beneath centuries of myth. Once a thriving kingdom of unparalleled magic and bravery, Galdra is now a fractured realm, its people scattered and its legends reduced to bedtime stories. But whispers of a coming storm-a force that could either destroy or restore the land-draw adventurers and dreamers to its forgotten borders. For Lyric Kael, a restless cartographer with a thirst for discovery, Galdra is more than a name on an ancient map. When a mysterious stranger offers her a torn fragment of a legendary guide said to lead to Galdra's hidden treasures, she seizes the chance for adventure. Joined by a mismatched band of explorers-a disgraced knight, a sly bard, and a reclusive mage with ties to the kingdom's lost history-Lyric sets out to chart a path through Galdra's perilous terrain.
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