""The Little Nugget"" is a comedic novel by P.G. Wodehouse, first published in 1913. The story revolves around the misadventures of Ogden Ford, a wealthy and mischievous child who becomes the target of various schemes aimed at securing his inheritance. As Ogden's antics create chaos within his family and among his caretakers, the narrative unfolds with a blend of humor, wit, and clever plot twists. Wodehouse's signature style shines through in this tale of mistaken identities, humorous predicaments, and the intricacies of human relationships. With its engaging storytelling and lively characters, ""The Little Nugget"" captures the essence of Wodehouse's keen observations of society and human nature, providing readers with a delightful and entertaining journey through the world of the British upper class and the eccentricities of its members.
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