Margaret Deanesly (1885-1944) was professor emeritus in the University of London. Among her many publications were The Pre-Conquest Church in England, Augustine of Cantebury, and A History of the Medieval Church 590-1500.
1. The problem of the Middle-English Bible and the aim of this study
2. The prohibitions of vernacular Bible reading in France, Italy and Spain
3. The prohibitions of vernacular Bible reading in the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands, before 1400
4. Bible reading in the Empire and the Netherlands c. 1400-1521
5. Translations of parts of the Vulgate in England before Wycliffe
6. Pre-Wycliffite biblical study by clerks: (a) the higher clergy, friars, monks
7. Pre-Wycliffite biblical study by clerks: (b) parish priests
8. Pre-Wycliffite biblical reading by lay people
9. Wycliffe as the instigator of a vernacular Bible
10. The two versions of the Wycliffite Bible, and the evidence of the General Prologue as to the authorship of the second version
11. The controversy about the English Bible 1384-1408 and the constitutions of 1408
12. Biblical translations contemporary with the Lollard versions
13. Bible reading by the orthodox, 1408-1526
14. The Lollards and English Bible reading.