Morgan BatchThe Loss of Small White Clouds
Dementia in Contemporary Performance
Part I: "We're all in our own little world": Inside Dementia Experiences
Chapter 1: Dementia from the Inside: The Father and Autobiographer
Chapter 2: Research-based Performance: Inside Out of Mind
Chapter 3: Social Narratives and the Family as Microcosm: Really Old, Like
Part I summary
Part II: Active and Passive Embodiment
Chapter 4: Transforming the domestic space: Sundowner and 1 Beach Road
Chapter 5: Puppetry and Dementia: It's Dark Outside and D-Generation: An
Exaltation of Larks
Part II summary
Part III: Postdramatic Theatre: Radical alternatives for staging dementia
Chapter 6: Experiential performance: Memory Point(s)
Chapter 7: Problematising dementia: Sul Concetto di Volto nel Figlio di Dio
Chapter 8: Dementia and Creative Agency: RUFF
Part III summary
End Matter