Unlock the Secrets of the Past in The Lost Children-A Thrilling Middle-Grade Mystery Adventure! In 1891, three children disappeared into the forest during a mountain picnic and were never seen again. Over a century later, Mogi Franklin and his sister, Jennifer, stumble upon clues that could finally solve the mystery. But when a greedy billionaire threatens to destroy an entire town to build an exclusive resort, Mogi and Jennifer's quest for answers becomes even more dangerous. As they unravel the secrets of the past, Mogi's sharp problem-solving skills are put to the ultimate test. Can he outsmart a ruthless tycoon, save a town, and uncover what really happened to the lost children? The Lost Children is the second thrilling installment in the Mogi Franklin Mystery series, perfect for middle-grade readers who love fast-paced adventures, historical mysteries, and clever heroes.
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