The Magician's Plot is a fairy story and cautionary tale, written in the style of a narrative poem. The supernatural beings, who control the events and outcome of this story of good versus evil, are found in the forms of the evil magician and the angelic protector. In their cottage home, a young family is happily going about daily life. Unbeknown to the mother, father and daughter, their laughter is heard by an evil magician who can't stand the sound of such joy. The magician plots to destroy their happiness by stealing the girl away from her mother and father. He waits until the father - who has warned his daughter not to leave the garden - has gone to work, and then transforms himself into a huge and magical butterfly. The girl, who is playing alone in the garden, is captivated by the beautiful creature; forgetting her father's warning she follows it deep into the woods. A robin that frequents their garden flies to warn the young father, who, sensing that his daughter is in danger, hurriedly follows the tiny bird, hoping to find and save her. Meanwhile, her mother has discovered that her daughter is missing and begins a desperate search for her child. The magician reveals his true identity; a spell is cast and someone is left alone. Will the spell be broken and the family reunited, or will the magician be one family closer to achieving his wicked goal of stealing love and joy from the world? The answers can be found in The Magician's Plot.
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