Table of contents:
Passion and Compassion/Absence and Desire - Lawrence: Passion and its Dissolution - Joyce: The Lineaments of Desire - Bitter-Sweet: Barnes and Hemingway - Faulker 1: The Family Void - Faulkner 2: Colours of Absence/Ubiquity of Desire - Faulkner 3: Abstraction - Lowry: The Day of the Dead - Completion: Wright and Ellison - False Composure: Fowles and Styron - Notes - Bibliography - Index
Passion and Compassion/Absence and Desire - Lawrence: Passion and its Dissolution - Joyce: The Lineaments of Desire - Bitter-Sweet: Barnes and Hemingway - Faulker 1: The Family Void - Faulkner 2: Colours of Absence/Ubiquity of Desire - Faulkner 3: Abstraction - Lowry: The Day of the Dead - Completion: Wright and Ellison - False Composure: Fowles and Styron - Notes - Bibliography - Index