In a city on the brink of chaos, where every alley harbors a secret and every face conceals a lie, detective Alma Tardieu is faced with the most complex enigma of her career: tracking down an elusive criminal known as The Chameleon. A master manipulator, he orchestrates a series of elaborate crimes, leaving behind cryptic clues and messages that seem to taunt Alma personally. But as she delves deeper into this breathless investigation, Alma discovers that the Chameleon's game is much more than a simple criminal challenge: it aims to expose the dark truths of a secret society that has controlled the invisible workings of the city for centuries. Each advance brings her closer to answers, but also to her own past, where the shadows of family betrayal and unspoken sacrifices are gradually revealed.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.