In the gleaming metropolis of Crandon, citizens' lives revolve around the all-important mating season under the watchful eye of the authoritarian government. Jona and Remi, two young administrative clerks, feel the first stirrings of unease as oppressive new ovulation regulations are handed down. When the long-awaited mating frenzy finally descends, instinct overrides conditioning and chaos erupts! Crazed citizens roam the streets desperately seeking partners. Behind closed doors, primal urges are indulged. Will Jona and Remi give in to temptation or follow protocol? At the sterile government mating center, potential pairs are algorithmically matched based on genetics, not affection. Jona and Remi are disillusioned by the lack of genuine connection. Amidst the pandemonium, their eyes meet and a spark ignites. Finding refuge in an abandoned building, Jona and Remi explore their illicit feelings. Outside, dissent brews as citizens protest for autonomy. The regime responds with brute force, but a secret resistance movement gains traction. As the exhausting week draws to a close, Jona and Remi make fateful decisions that will shape their futures forever. Paired with incompatible mates, they conform under societal pressure. But a lingering longing for freedom remains. Can Jona and Remi break Crandon's vicious mating cycle? Will they find purpose beyond reproduction? Their simmering discontent is about to boil over, threatening to dismantle the fabric of their dystopian society. Is an uprising on the horizon? This electric page-turner paints a vivid portrait of individuality versus conformity, desire versus duty, and the spirit of youthful rebellion in a futuristic world gone mad. With bated breath, we wonder - will the flames of insurgency ignite Crandon forever?
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