The Mistake follows Marcus, born into privilege in Sardis, Asia Minor, where his unwed parents vie for his affection and loyalty. He inherits a dual legacy-combat genius from his Roman centurion father, Julius, and a fascination with Jewish learning from Miriam, his mother, born of a prosperous merchant family. When Julius is relocated to Caesarea, Judea's Roman Capitol, Marcus' parents marry. He grows up, amidst rising tensions between Romans and Jews and becomes the linchpin holding his family together. Enter Yehonatan, Miriam's charismatic brother, who takes Marcus on a trade expedition. Exposed to a society of familial warmth and mysticism, Marcus is drawn away from the military world. As Julius' control intensifies, a destructive cycle ensues, threatening the family. Can Marcus preserve his family's unity amidst the turmoil? The Mistake weaves a compelling tale of a mixed Jewish/Roman family's dynamics, against the backdrop of the Roman world, in a society which is on the cusp of change.
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