This thought-provoking book sets out the ethical arguments for a woman's right to choose. Drawing on the traditions of sociological thinking and moral philosophy, it maintains that there is a strong moral case for recognizing autonomy in personal decision-making about reproductive intentions. More than this, it argues that to prevent a woman from making her own choice to continue or end her pregnancy is to undermine the essence of her humanity. The author, a provider of abortion services in the UK, asserts that true respect for human life and true regard for individual conscience demand that we respect a woman's right to decide, and that support for a woman's right to a termination has moral foundations and ethical integrity. This fresh perspective on abortion will interest both pro- and anti-choice individuals and organizations, along with academics in the fields of gender studies, philosophy, ethics and religion.
"This work sets out in meticulous detail many of the fundamental issues and biases that surround abortion decision making and access. ... it is worthwhile. It sets out the important issues and contentions. It makes you face yourself. It acknowledges the woman beside you." (Ann Brassil, Conscience,, Issue 3, November, 2017)
"She offers a convincing case for the removal of abortion from the framework of criminal law. ... The Moral Case For Abortion makes a persuasive case for the decriminalisation of abortion. It deserves a wide readership, not least among doctors who have for too long colluded in the abrogation of women's rights in this crucial area of their lives." (Michael Fitzpatrick, Spiked,, September, 2016)
"This thought-provoking book provides a fresh perspective on abortion, which will interest both pro- and anti-choice individuals and organizations, along with academics in the fields of gender studies, philosophy, ethics and religion." (Garima Shrivastava, The ASAP Blog,, August, 2016)
"She offers a convincing case for the removal of abortion from the framework of criminal law. ... The Moral Case For Abortion makes a persuasive case for the decriminalisation of abortion. It deserves a wide readership, not least among doctors who have for too long colluded in the abrogation of women's rights in this crucial area of their lives." (Michael Fitzpatrick, Spiked,, September, 2016)
"This thought-provoking book provides a fresh perspective on abortion, which will interest both pro- and anti-choice individuals and organizations, along with academics in the fields of gender studies, philosophy, ethics and religion." (Garima Shrivastava, The ASAP Blog,, August, 2016)