Following the success of Operation Blue Halo, and Operation Last Assault, Richard Joyce has also published the third novel in the series featuring Johnny Vince: his next mission: to track and locate the Sumatra tiger poachers' stronghold; relatively easy for an ex-Special Forces, or so his boss said. With a truly strange turn of events, Johnny is emerged into a world that not even the complex himself can prepare to fathom. Even with Johnny's Elite skills, can he take this young, new squad into the hornets' nest with little knowledge and weaponry? You want action, adventure, and emotions-is the edge of your seat ready?
1. Error theory and motivation
2. Error theory and reasons
3. Practical instrumentalism
4. The relativity of reasons
5. Internal and external reasons
6. Morality and evolution
7. Fictionalism
8. Moral fictionalism
Epilogue: debunking myths
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