Peter JosephThe New Human Rights Movement
Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression
Peter Joseph is an American-born social critic and activist who has lectured around the world on the subject of cultural sustainability. Once deemed "The Herald of Occupy Wall Street" for his tacit prediction of inevitable global uprisings against inequality and economic injustice, his extensive media work has been translated into over 130 languages and experienced by 250 million people. Working in concert with numerous NPOs and grassroots organizations, Joseph's core focus is on socioeconomic structures that undermine progress in the areas of ecological and social justice. He has been featured and profiled in numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Free-Speech TV, and TED, and has given over a thousand hours of interviews via radio shows and podcasts in the past decade. He is the president of the 501(c)(3) NPO The Zeitgeist Movement and currently resides in Los Angeles.
Chapter One: System-Bound: Realizing Relationships
Chapter Two: Beyond the Pale: Our Social Mythology
Chapter Three Structural Bigotry: The Economics of Oppression
Chapter Four: Public Health: Spectrum of Disorder
Chapter Five: Designing Out: Where We Go from Here
Appendix A: Post-Scarcity Potentials
Appendix B: Economic Calculation and Broad System Conception