With the changes in healthcare, cost of rising healthcare (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2018), increase in populations who require services, and difficulty accessing all clients due to location, all healthcare practitioners, including occupational therapists, must look into ways to service these needs best. Telehealth is a solution and must be explored. Telehealth, as defined by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) is the application of evaluative, consultative, preventative, and therapeutic services delivered through telecommunication and information technologies (AOTA, 2013b). Limited information regarding a telehealth framework was found. Therefore, the following will include the what, why, and how of developing and implementing The Occupation of Technology: Telehealth in Practice Framework and workshop. The Framework and workshop will provide the foundation to which a practicing occupational therapist and/or Stakeholder can begin their practice in the area of Telehealth. It will expand upon the practitioner's knowledge regarding best practices, protocols, and platforms used in Telehealth in order to meet your client's needs.