Get Some Retail Therapy and Save Your Financial Life! The concept is simple: Learn how to save a portion of every pay cheque regularly, consistently, and with discipline, and then invest the money wisely and you will become wealthy. In fact, you will retire richer than you ever dreamed possible and you?ll achieve peace of mind. Over the last 50 years, society has evolved from valuing frugality and thrift to consumerism and debt to feed the addiction of instant gratification. In some cases, debt overload has caused stress and even bankruptcy. Everybody wants it all and they want it all now. Young adults are led to believe that they can buy all the toys they desire simply by borrowing from their future income stream. This is a recipe for potential financial disaster! There is an alternative. It is simple and it works. Authors Ironside and Au Yeung show you the way. Learn how to avoid increased debt, increased stress and real unhappiness. Learn the one financial habit that could change your life.
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