OTHER PUBLICATIONS BY THE AUTHOR: "Towards the ethical-anthropological and metaphysical foundations of the environmental catastrophe". "The logical condition of the inherent structure" "In search of the rationality of the eidos" "The logicity of the conditional" "The must-be of human self-realisation" "Ontological study of logicity" "Towards the foundations of human happiness and fulfilment" "Ontological-categorical examination of the substance-accident construct" "The ontological status of values from my phenomenological and non-hermeneutic perspective" "The certainty values of the conditional" "About the being of the essence" "The ontological status of values from my phenomenological and non-hermeneutic perspective" "The values of certainty of the conditional" "About the being of the essence" "The ontological status of values from my phenomenological and non-hermeneutic perspective" "The values of certainty of the conditional" "The ontological study of the essence".