The author aims to examine the thought of Thomas More, which analyzes the situation of England, marked by darkness. Indeed, this state is characterized by corruption, misappropriation of public funds, injustice and inequality. In order to come out of the darkness and embrace the light, it is necessary to aim at development, especially in the field of science and technology. The fields of democracy, good governance and religion are not left out. These inspire other countries, the tools to acquire an adequate management mode and a matrix of good organization. A fundamental element in his book is that of the actors who participate in laying the foundation of a solid education, by investing in the training and integration of the youth. This integration is ensured by: the Church, the State and the parents. For the author, the development of the city passes by the investments in the arts and the trades, the presence of an ideal or charismatic leader, with a vision of transformation of the structures. Including the respect of the human person in general, whose acuity is put on the fundamental rights of the citizens.