Filiz TurhanThe Other Empire
British Romantic Writings about the Ottoman Empire
Filiz Turhan's work focuses on romanticism, with specific emphasis on orientalism, imperialism, and the gothic. Her current research project is focused on the discursive construction of the Turks in twentieth-century fiction, travel literature, and film. She is assistant professor of English at Suffolk Community College and teaches courses in literature and composition.
Contents List of Figures Preface Chapter One: The Slippery Signifier
Chapter Two: Desire and Disdain: The Travels of Lady Elizabeth Craven
Chapter Three: Victim, Vixen, and Virago: The Odalisque in Byron's Turkish
Tales Chapter Four: The spoil of wild beasts and unlettered Tartars:
Shelley's Uses of the Ottoman Empire and the Figure of the Turk Chapter
Five: Figuring the End of Empire in the City of Constantinople Epilogue: To
read the long, dark, interior life: Learning One's Lesson from the Lady
Hester Stanhope Notes Bibliography Index