This remarkable tale of friendship involves two unlikely characters, an elderly Jewish woman, Ms. Rosalee, and a curious young boy, named Andy. As they embark on this journey of friendship, Andy will learn some important life lessons and history lessons, too. It is a poignant story told from the perspective of a young boy who always wondered who and what made the music that floated over the fence. This small chapter book will help parents and educators explain the difficult topic of the Holocaust. About the author: Mella J. Davis, Ph.D., grew up in Texas, but studied at Northwestern University in Chicago where she first met and fell in love with Jewish culture. After studying with ultra-orthodox and Messianic rabbis, Davis continued to travel the globe learning about Jewish customs and traditions, eventually making her way to Israel itself. She is a published poet and has lectured and presented on Black-Jewish relations throughout the country. About the artist: Charlene Blackwell grew up in Eagle Lake, Texas, but she studied art at The Art Institute of Houston where she received her associate's degree. She was employed as artist-in-residence supplying conceptual art to SeaWorld of San Antonio, Texas. She has privately and publicly exhibited her art in the Riverwalk Gallery of San Antonio. Only 1 of 2 artists recognized throughout San Antonio, Texas as a brilliant oil pastel artist. Ms. Blackwell is now residing in Houston as a freelance artist at Her expertise works of Art. 8'FTx11FT Mural (Cry-Room) at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Richmond, Texas, Titled: Devine Creator. Neon-Lite Logo Design at Sea Word of San Antonio, Texas, Beluga Whale Arena, Title: Viva-Snacks @ snack stand.
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