Bearing in mind that the Culture of Peace is based on a series of values, attitudes and behaviours that reject violence from all points of view, and that it is in favour of the prevention of different conflicts by trying to attack their possible causes in order to solve problems through dialogue, conciliation and negotiation between people, it is important to know one of the situations that is currently occurring at school and that significantly affects school coexistence: bullying. The way in which the use of ICT has changed, strengthened or damaged interpersonal relationships cannot be ignored, of course, this depends on the point of view of the teacher, student, parent, victim or victim of cyberbullying. This has caused a change in the way people relate to each other, nowadays people chat more and talk less, it is as if physical contact has lost importance. This investigative book brings us closer to new conclusions based on the law 1732 of 2014 that seeks the transition to peace and a way out of the armed conflict in Colombia as a peaceful resolution to conflicts.