1. Introduction: the legend of the levée en masse Daniel Moran
2. La patrie en danger: the French Revolution and the first levée en masse Alan Forrest
3. The historiography of the levée en masse of 1793 Owen Connelly
4. Arms and the concert: the nation in arms and the dilemmas of German liberalism Daniel Moran
5. American views of conscription and the German nation in arms in the Franco-Prussian war John Whiteclay Chambers II
6. Defining the enemy: war, law and the levée en masse from 1870 to 1945 John Horne
7. People's war: the German debate about a levée en masse in October 1918 Michael Geyer
8. The levée en masse from Russian empire to Soviet Union, 1874-1938 Mark Von Hagen
9. From Jaurès to Mao: the levée en masse in China Arthur Waldron
10. In lieu of the levée en masse: mass mobilization in modern Vietnam Greg Lockhart
11. The Algerian war (1954-1962): the inversion of the levée en masse Douglas Porch
12. Looking backward: the people in arms and the transformation of war Arthur Waldron