Spousal violence is a persistent global phenomenon.
This book
documents an analysis of some of its causes, methods and
consequences from an ethical perspective. It
recommends a paradigm
shift in understanding spousal violence from its
being a normal societal
behaviour to a gross human rights violation. The
author argues that
relationships of dominance, control and power that
characterize marital
relationships should be replaced with those of
justice, equality and
freedom for integral development. The book is highly
recommended for
policy makers, scholars, students and researchers in
the discipline of
Philosophy and marital conflict management in
universities and other
institutions of higher learning.
This book
documents an analysis of some of its causes, methods and
consequences from an ethical perspective. It
recommends a paradigm
shift in understanding spousal violence from its
being a normal societal
behaviour to a gross human rights violation. The
author argues that
relationships of dominance, control and power that
characterize marital
relationships should be replaced with those of
justice, equality and
freedom for integral development. The book is highly
recommended for
policy makers, scholars, students and researchers in
the discipline of
Philosophy and marital conflict management in
universities and other
institutions of higher learning.