Conal Condren is Professor Emeritus at the University of New South Wales, and a Fellow of both the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Social Sciences.
Stephen Gaukroger presently holds an ARC Professorial Fellowship and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities.
Ian Hunter is a Fellow of the Australian Humanities Academy and a research professor in the Centre for the History of European Discourses at the University of Queensland.
List of contributors
1. The persona of the natural philosopher Stephen Gaukroger
2. The university philosopher in early modern Germany Ian Hunter
3. The persona of the philosopher and the rhetorics of office in early modern England Conal Condren
4. From Sir Thomas More to Robert Burton: the laughing philosopher in the early modern period Catherine Curtis
5. 'Vaine philosophy': Thomas Hobbes and the philosophy of the Schools Richard Serjeantson
6. The judicial persona in historical context: the case of Matthew Hale David Saunders
7. Persona and office: Althusius on the formation of magistrates and councillors Robert von Friedeburg
8. Descartes as sage: spiritual askesis in Cartesian philosophy John Cottingham
9. The natural philosopher and the virtues Peter Harrison
10. Fictions of a feminine philosophical persona: Christine de Pizan, Margaret Cavendish, and philosophia lost Karen Green and Jacqueline Broad
11. John Locke and polite philosophy Richard Yeo.