Part 1: the reform and survival of American public schools - an
institutional perpective, James G. Cibulka; the new focus on institutions
and the reinvention of schooling, Hanne B. Mawhinney; environmental
adaption and selection - where are the parents and the public?, Ellen
B.Goldring; We have the right to be different - educational community
through a neoinstitutional lens, Mary Erina Driscoll; computer models on
educational institutions - the case of vouchers and social equity, Terry M.
Moe and Kenneth Shotts. Part 2: the second academic revolution, Gerald
Grant and Christine Murray; the Wadleigh complex - a dream that soured,
Mary Anne Raywid; intentional transformation in a small school district -
the Turner school initiative, William B. Thomas, Kevin J. Moran and Jeremy
Resnick; how the state should break up the big city district, Ted Kolderie;
this time it's serious - post-idustrialism and the coming institutional
change in education, Charles Taylor Kerchner and Joseph G. Weeres; the new
institutionalism, the new science, persistance and change - the power of
faith in schools, Rick Ginsberg. Part 3: institutional theory and the
social structure of education, Douglas E. Mitchell; the new
institutionalism in postmodern times - de-differentiation and the study of
institutions, James Ryan; the politics of education, the new
institutionalism and reinvented schooling - some concluding observations,
Robert L. Crowson and William Lowe Boyd.