Acknowledgements; Notes on contributors; 1. Introduction: postmodernity and
the political James Good and Irving Velody; Part I. Modernity and
Vicissitudes: 2. Parvenu and pariah: heroes and victims of modernity
Zygmunt Bauman; 3. Private and public in 'late modern' democracy Geoffrey
Hawthorn and Camilla Lund; 4. Modernity and disenchantment: some
reflections on Charles Taylor's diagnosis Quentin Skinner; 5. Postmodernism
and 'the end of philosophy' David Cooper; Part II. The Critique of
Modernist Political Thought: 6. Antinomies of modernist political thought:
reasoning, context and community Raymond Plant; 7. Master narratives and
feminist subversions Diana Coole; 8. In different voices: deliberative
democracy and aestheticist politics Judith Squires; Part III. Technology
and the Politics of Culture: 9. Technology, modernity, politics Herminio
Martins; 10. Surrogates and substitutes: new practices for old? Marilyn
Strathern; 11. Postmodernism, the sublime and ethics Roy Boyne.