The carrying of corporate securities is an agreement by which the "bearer", which may be a credit institution, subscribes or acquires corporate securities on behalf of a partner (portage called closed) or a third party (portage called open ), which is called the "order giver", and is promised by the latter that these corporate securities will be bought back from him at the end of a determined period, according to terms (and in particular a price) fixed from the origin. This definition perfectly highlights the various questions that weigh on this contract. These relate mainly to its legal nature and legal regime. Indeed, babywearing is known as a mechanism with multiple forms and purposes. This makes its legal qualification difficult. We should also add that if the carrying of corporate securities, because of its innominate nature, allows great contractual freedom, it suffers from many uncertainties as to its legal regime with regard to the rules resulting from certain branches ofprivate law such as company law. , civil law, financial market law and accounting law.