David lee, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Essex, Howard Newby Porfessor of Sociology, University of Essex.
Preface Part One: The Problem of Sociology 1 Prologue: to the reader 2
Sociology and the growth of industrial society Part Two: Industrial Society
as Regress-Tönnies and 'Community' 3 Urbanism as a way of life? 4 A loss of
community Part Three: Industrial Society as Progress-Evolutionary Accounts
of Society 5 Classic evolutionary doctrines and the diversity of morals 6
Evolutionary themes in modern social science: nature versus nurture 7
Evolutionary themes in modern social science: cultural variation and
technical Development Part Four: Industrial Society as Capitalist
Society-Marx and Marxism 8 Marx and the critique of political economy 9
Marxism and the theory of capitalist development 10 Marxism and
contemporary society Part Five: Industrial Society as Disenchantment-Weber
and Rationalization 11 Max Weber and the rationalization of the modern
world 12 Weber and the origins of capitalism 13 Bureaucracy, democratic
politics and socialism Part Six: Industrial Society as Organic
Solidarity-Durkheim, the Division of Labour and Moral Science 14 Moral
obligation and individual life 15 Anomie, disorder and conflict Part Seven:
Industrial Society as Structural Differentiation-Functionalism and its
Discontents 16 Societies as systems: functionalist models of social order
17 Functionalists, family and gender Part Eight: Industrial Order and the
Fragmentation of Self 18 The fragmentation of consciousness 19
Consciousness and control 20 Epilogue