This book is a detailed analysis of the history of the process of indigenisation in the Diocese of Mashonaland of the Anglican Church in Zimbabwe. The book traces this history from the time when the Anglican Church arrived in Zimbabwe up to the time when Zimbabwe gained its independence. The role played by early African Catechists in planting this Church is investigated and apreciated. The challenges and the dangers that they encountered is also exposed. The diffierent efforts at making the local people feel at home in the context of divine worship is also investigated and chronicled. The efforts vary from, translating divine services, into local language, allowing the use of local musical instruments and the growth and development of liturgical art. The process also includes, the translation of hymns into local language as well as the identification and training of the local indegenous people for ordination. Towards indipendence the process of indiginisation reached its zenith when the first local priest was elevated to the episcopal office.