The ubiquitous but covert phenomenon of consensual sibling incest motif hitherto has not been addressed in a comprehensive manner, even in the historical context. Thus, even in the historical manifestations, this subject seemed to be shrouded in the veils of mystery; it is very often mentioned that the sibling incestuous relationships and marriages among the Ancient Royal families had occurred for the quintessential and paramount purpose of maintenance and preservation of the Royal Blood Line, either matrilineal or patrilineal. However, historical records reveal many instances rather contrary to this practice and therefore the enigma of sibling incestuous marriages and covert unions still remains as an area which needs compelling explanations may it be in the realms of psychological, excessive carnal indulgences, perversion, paranormal or Karmic affinities or genetic sexual attraction. This alone illustrates the point that there exists a dire need to explore into this phenomenon more comprehensively and in an exhaustive manner. In the course of this exhaustive study, many salient factors emerged as to the preponderant reasons responsible for consensual sibling incest motif.