In a post-apocalyptic world where humans coexist with two alien species, a young woman falls in love with a non-human, causing outrage from her family and the Human Council. Despite their opposition, she cannot resist his charms, even after discovering he is one of the worst of the aliens. She is drawn to him in inexplicable ways and is unable and unwilling to help herself. She not only faces opposition from her own kind, but she also faces even greater opposition from his people, who have special abilities to cause her immense pain and torture. Finding out that her lover was closely linked to the leader of the invaders and may have ulterior motives for being with her did not deter her. She found herself helpless and unable to put an end to the relationship. Her life would unravel as she would not only be kidnapped by her own kind but also abducted to a different planet millions of miles away from Earth. There, she would discover the extent of her lover's manipulation and would be judged for her involvement with him. Will their love for each other overcome all obstacles? "The Purpose" is an enthralling futuristic romance novel with elements of sci-fi and extraterrestrial themes woven in to set it apart from the usual. It begins as a heartwarming romance tale but evolves into something much more as the narrative unfolds.
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