What are the purposes of education and what is the relationship between educational research and policy? Using the twin lenses of Visible Learning and educational philosophy, these are among the many fascinating topics discussed in extended conversations between John Hattie and Steen Nepper Larsen. This wide-ranging and informative book offers fundamental propositions about the nature of education. It maps out in fascinating detail a coming together of Hattie's empirical data and world-famous Visible Learning paradigm with the rich heritage of educational philosophy. Additionally, it explores the inevitable questions of the purpose of education and the development of students in a learning society.
Part clash of cultures, part meeting of minds, always fascinating and illuminating, this intriguing book will inspire teachers, students, and parents at all levels of the educational system - from kindergarten through school to university.
Conversations include:
What are the purposes of education?
Does educational data speak for itself?
What is the role of the teacher?
Is learning a visible phenomenon?
Is it important to teach and learn specific subjects?
What is the role of neuroscience research?
What is the relationship between educational research and educational politics?
What is the role of the state in education?
Part clash of cultures, part meeting of minds, always fascinating and illuminating, this intriguing book will inspire teachers, students, and parents at all levels of the educational system - from kindergarten through school to university.
Conversations include:
What are the purposes of education?
Does educational data speak for itself?
What is the role of the teacher?
Is learning a visible phenomenon?
Is it important to teach and learn specific subjects?
What is the role of neuroscience research?
What is the relationship between educational research and educational politics?
What is the role of the state in education?
"This book offers a mind-stretching breadth of content, a refreshingly respectful approach to debate, and an insightful analysis of the perennial 'purposes' question." - Steve Turnbull, Schools Week
"The book has good section divisions, with small illustrative comics woven in and good summarizing questions after the chapters. All in all, it is a book with a very inviting and readable form." - Lark Grandjean, folkeskolen
"If you are yet to read Visible Learning, I would recommend starting here. Many of the chapters can be used at teacher training colleges and other areas of higher education. I myself plan to use chapters from the book in my teaching. It comes highly recommended." - Kirsten Hyldgaard, Unge Pædagoger
"It is well-edited, lively and contains many interesting conversations, which partly follow the main thematic tracks, but which also include numerous concrete experiences and examples from completely different contexts, which are interesting in themselves." - Peter Østergaard Andersen, Dansk pædagogisk Tidsskrift
"The book has good section divisions, with small illustrative comics woven in and good summarizing questions after the chapters. All in all, it is a book with a very inviting and readable form." - Lark Grandjean, folkeskolen
"If you are yet to read Visible Learning, I would recommend starting here. Many of the chapters can be used at teacher training colleges and other areas of higher education. I myself plan to use chapters from the book in my teaching. It comes highly recommended." - Kirsten Hyldgaard, Unge Pædagoger
"It is well-edited, lively and contains many interesting conversations, which partly follow the main thematic tracks, but which also include numerous concrete experiences and examples from completely different contexts, which are interesting in themselves." - Peter Østergaard Andersen, Dansk pædagogisk Tidsskrift