Teacher Training in the Context of Interculturality Teachers in the current socio-historical scenario need to bear in mind that the classroom is a plural space par excellence, and encompasses the most different subjects from the most varied social classes who are being formed in time and space, and it is in these spaces that cultural diversities are organising themselves and structuring their different histories. It is in these spaces that cultural diversities are organising and structuring their different histories, and it is in building their histories that multiculturalism is splashing across their visions nowadays, because there is the possibility of seeing the 'Anthrophos' subject in all its fullness to the extent that they can live together without xenophobic feelings in the same school space. In this scenario, the teacher has the arduous task of pedagogical mediation for all the diversity that presents itself, safeguarding the physical or organic deficiencies of each subject, as well as knowing how to mediate scientific knowledge with all those who have learning difficulties of any kind. From this perspective, when working with human diversity, teachers also need to build their history as educators, as masters of the art of mediation.