This book is a description of the life of an entire people who have been at the center of a diet largely dominated by the consumption of rice. We have given ourselves the responsibility of explaining the theme in favor of our doctoral study at the Agricultural University of China, College Humanity and Development Studies, Department of Rural Development and Management Studies. This rice, which has become the mainstay of Guineans, is grown by more than 78% of farmers and all living in rural areas. Through this study, we asked ourselves several questions, among others: Is rice production beneficial to producers? Are they able to manage their lives in terms of food, health, clothing, children's studies? What role do different governments play in improving rice production in Guinea? So to answer all these questions, the notion of the income of the producer caught our attention because it is a factor of creation of rural and stable employment for the thousands of young people in campaign. But also this income will allow these same young people to avoid the rural exodus and the illegal immigration which has bereaved several families African and Guineans through the Mediterranean.