This book / article seeks to expose the use of social media from Indonesian diplomats to streamline communication with stakeholders abroad. This book project is a collaborative writer with an Indonesian diplomat, Indah Nuria Savitri who works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Our collaboration like this is certainly very good for writers, especially for scientific research purposes. The phenomenon of the use of social media in Indonesia has been an important development since mid-1995 until now. This kind of development is of course also influenced by social media popularity factor itself. Another thing is also because social media users are very high in Indonesia, exceeding 100 million of its population of 250 million total population of Indonesia. This opportunity is not wasted by Indonesian diplomats to achieve diplomatic mission, both for Indonesian citizens abroad and also their partners abroad. However Indonesia is a G20 member country that has great potential of natural resources and human resources. With these opportunities and challenges, the role of social media is important to develop tourism, investment and cooperation among countries.