This book was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of arbitration as a means of alternative dispute resolution in Uganda and the extent to which it has been effective in resolving disputes between parties. This work was carried out to help parties to disputes settle them without going through the formal court litigation because this is so costly, time-consuming, and inflexible. The researcher obtained information from documented literature like journals, articles and other published works. The study revealed that arbitration has been more effective and most people are starting to like it more compared to litigation because it is cheap, flexible and takes short time. During research, the author found out that Majority of the people have little knowledge on arbitration as a means of dispute resolution. Due to this, most people still use the court litigation as compared to arbitration. The researcher hence recommends that sensitization should be done, so that people get to know about other ADR means, especially arbitration. Generally, this study showed that Arbitration is gradually picking up in Uganda and soon enough most people will adopt it.