This book analyses and compares environmental laws of South Sudan and Uganda. It analyses provisions which regulates the implementation of oil and gas contracts. The studies look at effectiveness of those legal provisions. Itargues that South Sudan and Uganda faces a number of challenges ranging from environmental degradation especially in important areas such as wetlands, forests and wildlife. However, this impacts are not mainly caused by exploration and production of oil and gas. The studies found out that there are good number of legal provisions enacted by the two nations. If these were utilized well by the authority in charge, impacts on the environment would have been minimized. We found out that weak institutional and lack of effective monitoring and enforcement encourages environmental polluters to causes more damage to the environment and get away with it. The studies also argues that authority lack capacity building, technical knowledge in general and professional training. There is also lack of enough public awareness and participation in the two countries. Lack of good coordination between judicial and Environmental authorities