Few years ago Emphasis on Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRAs) has been placed with limited attention to the theoretical or conceptual underpinnings to process plan. In this paper, conceptual and process issues relating to plan in natural resource are discussed, using a PRA was assessed and find out the role of participatory approach in community development. This paper seeks to address issues embodied in notions of community, local participation and learning experience. How PRA process design can manage interpretation of data, who is involved in that interpretation, and the intentions of analysis have been discussed. The paper also indicates that Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is one of the most appropriate approaches for the identification of community problems and for understanding the socio-economic and cultural aspects of the community. The beneficiaries were well aware about participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and its use because of the proper introduction and implementation. Thus PRA approach in the area to empower the community through self-help and self-decision for participation in any developmental activities without any discrimination among the community members.