This unique collection applies globalization concepts to the discipline of archaeology, using a wide range of global case studies from a group of international specialists. The volume spans from as early as 10,000 cal. bp to the modern era, analysing the relationship between material culture, cultural change, and the complex connectivities between communities and groups. In considering social practices shared between different historic groups, and also the expression of their respective identities, the papers in this volume illustrate the potential of globalization thinking to bridge the local…mehr
This unique collection applies globalization concepts to the discipline of archaeology, using a wide range of global case studies from a group of international specialists. The volume spans from as early as 10,000 cal. bp to the modern era, analysing the relationship between material culture, cultural change, and the complex connectivities between communities and groups. In considering social practices shared between different historic groups, and also the expression of their respective identities, the papers in this volume illustrate the potential of globalization thinking to bridge the local and global in material culture analysis.
The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization is the first such volume to take a world archaeology approach, on a multi-period basis, in order to bring together the scope of evidence for the significance of material culture in the processes of globalization. This work thus also provides a means to understand how material culture studies can be utilised to assess the impact of global engagement in our contemporary world. As such, it will appeal to archaeologists and historians as well as social science researchers interested in the origins of globalization.
Tamar Hodos is Reader in Mediterranean Archaeology in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol.
Section 1: Introduction
1.1. Globalization: some basics. An introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Tamar Hodos
1.2. Distinguishing Past Globalizations Justin Jennings
1.3. Globalization, Connectivities and Networks: an archaeological perspective Carl Knappett
1.4. Economic Aspects of Globalization in the Past Material World Gary M. Feinman
1.5. Globalization Thinking and the Past Robbie Robertson
Section 2: Africa
2.1. Africa in and of the World: Archaeological Perspectives on Globalization in the Longue Durée Paul J. Lane
2.2. Exploring Aegyptiaca and their Material Agency throughout Global History Miguel John Versluys
2.4. The Swahili and Globalization in the Indian Ocean Chapurukha Kusimba
2.5. European Colonialism and Globalization in Africa in the Nineteenth Century CE Lydia Wilson Marshall
2.6. Future Material Culture: Chinese Construction in Africa and the Consequences for African Cultural Heritage Paul Lane, Cornelia Kleinitz & Yongilang Gao
2.7. The Mobile Phone - A Global Good? Modern Material Culture and Communication Technology in Africa Julia Verne
Section 3: Americas
3.1 Globalization Processes as Recognized in the Americas Alexander Geurds
3.2 Olmec Globalization: a Mesoamerican Archipelago of Complexity Robert M. Rosenswig
3.3 On the Horizon: Art, Valuables and Large-Scale Interaction Networks in the Ancient Andes George F. Lau
3.4 Foreigners from Far-Off Islands: Long-Distance Exchange between Western Mesoamerica and Coastal South America (600-1200 CE): a Globalization Analysis Alexander Geurds
3.5 Globalization without Markets? Population Movement and Other Integrative Mechanisms in the Ancient Andes Bill Sillar
3.6 Conquest Worlds: Aztec and Spanish Experiences in Mexico, 1428-1570 CE Frances Berdan
3.7 Globalization and the Early Modern Atlantic World, c. 1500-1700 CE Charles E. Orser, Jr.
Section 4: Australasia and Oceania
4.1. Globalization Thinking in Australasia and Oceania Ian Lilley
4.2. The Tongan Maritime State: Oceanic Globalization, Polity Collapse and Chaotic Interaction Geoffrey Clark
4.3. Australian Lithic Technology: Evolution, Dispersion and Connectivity Peter Hiscock & Tim Maloney
4.4. Edges of Worlds: Torres Strait Islander Peripheral Participation in Ancient Globalizations Ian J. McNiven
4.5. Melanesia Maritime Middlemen and Pre-Colonial Glocalization Ian Lilley
4.6. Disentangling the Lapita Interaction Spheres: the Global, the Provincial and the Local Christophe Sand
4.7. East Polynesian Connectivity Marshall Weisler & Richard Walter
Section 5: East Asia
5.1. East Asia as a Laboratory for Early Globalization Gideon Shelach-Lavi
5.2. The Spread of Domesticated Plant Resources in Prehistoric Northeast Asia Gyoung-Ah Lee
5.3. Prehistoric Networks across the Korea Strait (5000-1000 BCE): 'Early Globalization' during the Jomon Period in Northwest Kyushu? Ilona R. Bausch
5.4. Colonialism in the Time of Globalization - the Western Zhou Yan State Revisited Yitzchak Jaffe
5.5. Globalization at the Crossroads: the Case of Southeast China during the Pre- and Early Imperial Period Francis Allard
5.6. Global Dynamics in Local Processes of Iron Age Inner Asia Bryan K. Miller & Ursula Brosseder
5.7. Tombs of Xianbei Conquerors and Central Asians in Sixth Century CE Northern China: a Globalizing Perspective Mandy Jui-man Wu
Section 6: Europe
6.1. Deep Histories of Globalization and Europe: beyond Eurocentrism Martin Pitts
6.2. Small, Medium, and Large: Globalization Perspectives on the Afro-Eurasian Bronze Age Helle Vandkilde
6.3. Local Elites Globalized in Death: a Practice Approach to Early Iron Age Hallstatt C/D Chieftains' Burials in Northwest Europe David Fontijn & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof
6.4. Connectivity and Social Change. Roman Goods outside the Empire (100 BCE - 400 CE) Mariana Egri
6.6. Globalization and China. Materiality and Civilité in Post-Medieval Europe Martin Pitts
6.7. Connecting the Global with the Local through the Prism of Imprisonment: the Case of Kilmainham Gaol, Ireland Laura McAtackney
Section 7: Mediterranean
7.1 The Global Mediterranean: a Material-Cultural Perspective Miguel John Versluys
7.2 A Globalizing Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean Susan Sherratt
7.3 Classical Connections and Mediterranean Practices: Exploring Connectivity and Local Interactions Peter van Dommelen
7.5 The Rise and Fall of Empires in the Islamic Mediterranean (600-1600 CE): Political Change, the Economy and Material Culture Petra Sijpesteijn
7.6 The Renaissance in Material Culture: Material Mimesis as Force and Evidence of Globalization Marta Ajmar
7.7 France and the Enlightenment Mediterranean Christopher Drew Armstrong
Section 8: Southeast Asia
8.1 Globalizing Early Southeast Asia Miriam T. Stark
8.2 How Rice Failed to Unify Asia: Globalization and Regionalism of Early Farming Traditions in the Monsoon World Dorian Q. Fuller, Cristina Cobo Castillo & Charlene Murphy
8.3 Globalization at the Dawn of History: the Emergence of Global Cultures in the Mekong and Red River Deltas Alison Kyra Carter & Nam C. Kim
8.5 Globalizing Indian Religions and Southeast Asian Localisms: Incentives for the Adoption of Buddhism and Brahmanism in First Millennium CE Southeast Asia Stephen A. Murphy & Leedom Lefferts
8.6 Globalization in Southeast Asia's Early Age of Commerce: Evidence from the Thirteenth Century CE Java Sea Shipwreck Lisa C. Niziolek & Amanda Respess
8.7 Spheres of Ceramic Exchange in Southeast Asia, Ninth to Sixteenth Centuries CE John N. Miksic & Goh Geok Yian
Section 9: West Asia
9.1 Globalizing Ideas in West Asian Material History Tamar Hodos
9.2 Globalizing the Halaf Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse
9.3 Connectivity and Globalization in the Bronze Age of Anatolia Naoíse Mac Sweeney
9.4 Globalization and the Study of the Achaemenid Persian Empire Henry P. Colburn
9.5 Lapis Lazuli, Homer and the Buddha: Material and Ideological Exchange in West Asia (c. 250 BCE - 200 CE) Rachel Mairs
9.6 The Global Ottomans Joanita Vroom
9.7 Pre-modern Globalization and the Rediscovery of Iranian Antiquity Daniel T. Potts
Section 10: Conclusion
10.1 Long Histories of Globalization Jan Nederveen Pieterse
1.1. Globalization: some basics. An introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Tamar Hodos
1.2. Distinguishing Past Globalizations Justin Jennings
1.3. Globalization, Connectivities and Networks: an archaeological perspective Carl Knappett
1.4. Economic Aspects of Globalization in the Past Material World Gary M. Feinman
1.5. Globalization Thinking and the Past Robbie Robertson
Section 2: Africa
2.1. Africa in and of the World: Archaeological Perspectives on Globalization in the Longue Durée Paul J. Lane
2.2. Exploring Aegyptiaca and their Material Agency throughout Global History Miguel John Versluys
2.4. The Swahili and Globalization in the Indian Ocean Chapurukha Kusimba
2.5. European Colonialism and Globalization in Africa in the Nineteenth Century CE Lydia Wilson Marshall
2.6. Future Material Culture: Chinese Construction in Africa and the Consequences for African Cultural Heritage Paul Lane, Cornelia Kleinitz & Yongilang Gao
2.7. The Mobile Phone - A Global Good? Modern Material Culture and Communication Technology in Africa Julia Verne
Section 3: Americas
3.1 Globalization Processes as Recognized in the Americas Alexander Geurds
3.2 Olmec Globalization: a Mesoamerican Archipelago of Complexity Robert M. Rosenswig
3.3 On the Horizon: Art, Valuables and Large-Scale Interaction Networks in the Ancient Andes George F. Lau
3.4 Foreigners from Far-Off Islands: Long-Distance Exchange between Western Mesoamerica and Coastal South America (600-1200 CE): a Globalization Analysis Alexander Geurds
3.5 Globalization without Markets? Population Movement and Other Integrative Mechanisms in the Ancient Andes Bill Sillar
3.6 Conquest Worlds: Aztec and Spanish Experiences in Mexico, 1428-1570 CE Frances Berdan
3.7 Globalization and the Early Modern Atlantic World, c. 1500-1700 CE Charles E. Orser, Jr.
Section 4: Australasia and Oceania
4.1. Globalization Thinking in Australasia and Oceania Ian Lilley
4.2. The Tongan Maritime State: Oceanic Globalization, Polity Collapse and Chaotic Interaction Geoffrey Clark
4.3. Australian Lithic Technology: Evolution, Dispersion and Connectivity Peter Hiscock & Tim Maloney
4.4. Edges of Worlds: Torres Strait Islander Peripheral Participation in Ancient Globalizations Ian J. McNiven
4.5. Melanesia Maritime Middlemen and Pre-Colonial Glocalization Ian Lilley
4.6. Disentangling the Lapita Interaction Spheres: the Global, the Provincial and the Local Christophe Sand
4.7. East Polynesian Connectivity Marshall Weisler & Richard Walter
Section 5: East Asia
5.1. East Asia as a Laboratory for Early Globalization Gideon Shelach-Lavi
5.2. The Spread of Domesticated Plant Resources in Prehistoric Northeast Asia Gyoung-Ah Lee
5.3. Prehistoric Networks across the Korea Strait (5000-1000 BCE): 'Early Globalization' during the Jomon Period in Northwest Kyushu? Ilona R. Bausch
5.4. Colonialism in the Time of Globalization - the Western Zhou Yan State Revisited Yitzchak Jaffe
5.5. Globalization at the Crossroads: the Case of Southeast China during the Pre- and Early Imperial Period Francis Allard
5.6. Global Dynamics in Local Processes of Iron Age Inner Asia Bryan K. Miller & Ursula Brosseder
5.7. Tombs of Xianbei Conquerors and Central Asians in Sixth Century CE Northern China: a Globalizing Perspective Mandy Jui-man Wu
Section 6: Europe
6.1. Deep Histories of Globalization and Europe: beyond Eurocentrism Martin Pitts
6.2. Small, Medium, and Large: Globalization Perspectives on the Afro-Eurasian Bronze Age Helle Vandkilde
6.3. Local Elites Globalized in Death: a Practice Approach to Early Iron Age Hallstatt C/D Chieftains' Burials in Northwest Europe David Fontijn & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof
6.4. Connectivity and Social Change. Roman Goods outside the Empire (100 BCE - 400 CE) Mariana Egri
6.6. Globalization and China. Materiality and Civilité in Post-Medieval Europe Martin Pitts
6.7. Connecting the Global with the Local through the Prism of Imprisonment: the Case of Kilmainham Gaol, Ireland Laura McAtackney
Section 7: Mediterranean
7.1 The Global Mediterranean: a Material-Cultural Perspective Miguel John Versluys
7.2 A Globalizing Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean Susan Sherratt
7.3 Classical Connections and Mediterranean Practices: Exploring Connectivity and Local Interactions Peter van Dommelen
7.5 The Rise and Fall of Empires in the Islamic Mediterranean (600-1600 CE): Political Change, the Economy and Material Culture Petra Sijpesteijn
7.6 The Renaissance in Material Culture: Material Mimesis as Force and Evidence of Globalization Marta Ajmar
7.7 France and the Enlightenment Mediterranean Christopher Drew Armstrong
Section 8: Southeast Asia
8.1 Globalizing Early Southeast Asia Miriam T. Stark
8.2 How Rice Failed to Unify Asia: Globalization and Regionalism of Early Farming Traditions in the Monsoon World Dorian Q. Fuller, Cristina Cobo Castillo & Charlene Murphy
8.3 Globalization at the Dawn of History: the Emergence of Global Cultures in the Mekong and Red River Deltas Alison Kyra Carter & Nam C. Kim
8.5 Globalizing Indian Religions and Southeast Asian Localisms: Incentives for the Adoption of Buddhism and Brahmanism in First Millennium CE Southeast Asia Stephen A. Murphy & Leedom Lefferts
8.6 Globalization in Southeast Asia's Early Age of Commerce: Evidence from the Thirteenth Century CE Java Sea Shipwreck Lisa C. Niziolek & Amanda Respess
8.7 Spheres of Ceramic Exchange in Southeast Asia, Ninth to Sixteenth Centuries CE John N. Miksic & Goh Geok Yian
Section 9: West Asia
9.1 Globalizing Ideas in West Asian Material History Tamar Hodos
9.2 Globalizing the Halaf Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse
9.3 Connectivity and Globalization in the Bronze Age of Anatolia Naoíse Mac Sweeney
9.4 Globalization and the Study of the Achaemenid Persian Empire Henry P. Colburn
9.5 Lapis Lazuli, Homer and the Buddha: Material and Ideological Exchange in West Asia (c. 250 BCE - 200 CE) Rachel Mairs
9.6 The Global Ottomans Joanita Vroom
9.7 Pre-modern Globalization and the Rediscovery of Iranian Antiquity Daniel T. Potts
Section 10: Conclusion
10.1 Long Histories of Globalization Jan Nederveen Pieterse
"Refreshingly, the book forgoes the type of synthetic narratives usually associated with archaeological handbooks, instead presenting a series of vignettes, many of which represent fresh engagements of burgeoning theoretical concepts with lesser-known geographic arenas. (...) For readers not deeply entrenched in globalisation frameworks, the chapters at the bookends provide excellent introductions and reflections on the subject of what is and is not globalisation." - Current World Archaeology
"Tamar Hodos, Reader in Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Bristol, has assembled a fascinating and unique work in the Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Usually considered a modern-era phenomenon, Hodos and her collaborators demonstrate that globalization has been with us since complex ancient societies first developed." - Reference & User Services Quarterly
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