Embark on a poignant journey across continents in "The Sahara Obstacle," by Oghenero Jonathan Eghweree. With a career rooted in journalism at the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Oghenero Eghweree brings his expertise to vivid life in this gripping tale. Following his acclaimed work "Muri the Whiz Rat," Oghenero delves into the lives of four Nigerians - Daba, D1, Victor and Mena - as they confront daunting challenges in their homeland. Aided by Jasmine, their friend in Libya, and driven by stifling visa restrictions and a bleak landscape for youth opportunities, the quartet embraces a daring mission: crossing the Sahara Desert. Their destination? North Africa, a gateway to the promised lands of Europe just a perilous stretch away. From the bustling streets of Nigeria to the arid expanses of Niger Republic and the volatile terrain of Libya, their journey unfolds against a backdrop of courage, friendship, and the harsh realities of migration. "The Sahara Obstacle" is not just a narrative; it's a reflection of our times, exploring themes of love, loyalty, and the profound consequence of chasing dreams across borders. Oghenero's storytelling prowess captures the emotional turmoil of each character, their aspirations, and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of a brighter future. >Share this book with others to raise awareness about the challenges they face and the dreams they pursue. Visit local organizations that support migrants and refugees, and consider contributing your time or resources to help make a difference. Together, we can foster understanding, compassion, and change.
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