The exciting adventure sequel continues in the modern day city of Bicuspid from the escapades of 800 years ago by the magician Garth described in The Legend of the Tooth Fairy by a magical teddy bear by the name of Taddy Boy. Fangor, the last remaining dragon, has sensed dragon eggs have been unearthed in a place called Gumgolia and, driven by strong prehistoric survival instincts, wishes to bring them back to life. Holly, the unsuspecting young descendant of Garth, is summoned by the fairies to help them in a magical and dangerous journey through Brushya, Tonsilvania, and the Land of Plaque. Once again the evil bats called the Drooling Gummies, under Emperor Ruthless Toothless Brutus and his queen Hali Tosis, have returned to spread their Nightmare Dust, capture fairies and, at all costs, the last dragon. With the help from her friends Taddy Boy, T-Pick the chameleon, Hip Hop the Praying Mantis, and several others along the way, Holly becomes a Dragon Rider and Magician's Apprentice in her quest to save the dragons and all the Fairylands.
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